The Heart Does Not Suffer from Dementia

Udo Baer / Gabi Schotte-Lange

The Heart Does Not Suffer from Dementia

Advice for carers and dependents 2. 2nd updated edition

13th ed. published 2024. 170 pages All rights available

The Heart Does Not Suffer from Dementia

Advice for carers and dependents 2. 2nd updated edition

Udo Baer and Gabi Schotte-Lange describe the inner world of dementia sufferers in a considerate, warm-hearted and understanding way. Although they seem to slip away from us, there are ways to get back in touch with them. And these are ways that allow the sufferers to retain their dignity and continue to experience moments of beauty. In the final chapter the authors turn their attention to carers and what they need for their own support.

• Over 50,000 copies sold
• A different way to understand the illness
• The number of people with dementia is increasing annually
• With two new chapters and lots of new tips