The Magic of Good Conversation

Ulrike Döpfner

The Magic of Good Conversation

Communications with children which create feelings of closeness

7th ed. published 2022. 243 pages Rights sold: China, Korea, Poland

The Magic of Good Conversation

Communications with children which create feelings of closeness

Giving them the gift of your undivided attention

Everyday life is hectic, sharing time together is getting rarer - it's hard for parents to find out what is going on inside their children’s heads, what fears they have and what makes them happy. This book provides 100 original, off-beat questions to open up some real communication, keeping well away the ‘how was school today?’ question. This is an opportunity for parents to convey values, build bonds and closeness – and, last but not least, make sure the family has some fun.
On each question, there is space to write things down: ideas for further questions, the children's answers, original things the children say, your own personal reflections. Before the questions, there is an overview which looks at active listening and other conversation techniques. Suitable for parents with children aged between 4 and 12.

100 questions to open up good parent-child conversations, e.g.:
“If you were a wizard, what would you conjure up?”
“What would you most like to invent?”
“If you could fly, where would you fly to?”
“What do you like about your friend?”

• Conversation aid for families
• Thematic ideas also for grandparents and parents who are separated
• With lots of sample questions for needs-oriented listening and talking