Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik

Gewaltpotentiale und Gewaltschutz in Privathaushalten mit 24-Stunden-Pflegekräften


This contribution focusses a rarely addressed issue in research on home-based care in old age: violence and protection against violence in around-the-clock care arrangements in Germany. Based on a secondary analysis of data gained in the research project “Emergence and significance of transnational care arrangements (ESTRANCA)”, potential risk and protective factors are identified. The contribution shows that questions about violence and protection against violence in these arrangements have to be analysed in the context of complex, interrelated factors, structures and processes. No clear answers can be given whether these arrangements increase or decrease the risk of violence and neglect of older dependent people. Besides the ongoing tabooing of violence in home-based care in old age in general, the theming of violence in these particular arrangements is hampered by the common practice of employing around-the-clock migrant carers irregularly.

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Gewaltpotentiale und Gewaltschutz in Privathaushalten mit 24-Stunden-Pflegekräften
Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik ZfSp (ISSN 1610-2339), Ausgabe 4, Jahr 2019, Seite 394 - 413

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Gewaltpotentiale und Gewaltschutz in Privathaushalten mit 24-Stunden-Pflegekräften


Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik ZfSp (ISSN 1610-2339), Ausgabe 4, Jahr 2019, Seite 394 - 413



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Beltz Juventa


Vincent Horn / Cornelia Schweppe
