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Friedrich Snapdragon, the Bumblebee Rider

Friedrich Snapdragon, the Bumblebee Rider

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Verena Reinhardt

Friedrich Snapdragon, the Bumblebee Rider

4th ed. published 2016. 521 pages From the age of 10 years up All rights available

Friedrich Snapdragon, the Bumblebee Rider

Friedrich Snapdragon plunges himself into a crazy adventure together with Hieronymus Bumble, a spy for the Queen of Southward. They manage to get themselves into a huge mess in the course of which they expose a conspiracy and often fear for their lives.

Friedrich Snapdragon, who comes from a long line of famous bumblebee riders, is initially not at all happy about having Brumsel, chief of the secret service, accompany him to the north of the country to spy. When it turns out that the bewitching Queen Ophrys is a dangerous despot, great danger threatens. Things start to happen thick and fast, and after several voltes, all the insects, small animals and other living creatures join forces to render the queen harmless and to prevent the great war of Skarnland.
A breathtaking debut of an extraordinary writer.