New stories about Lion - absolutely delicious! Time to get cooking!

The Story of the Lion Who Couldn't Cook

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Martin Baltscheit

The Story of the Lion Who Couldn't Cook

Artwork by Martin Baltscheit

1st ed. published 2018. 40 pages From the age of 5 years up All rights available

The Story of the Lion Who Couldn't Cook

“I don’t know how to cook!”
The Lion moans.
That is why he
Serves only bones.

But the Lioness is tired of only bones! She demands a fine meal, otherwise there will be no more kisses! The other animals‘ advice leaves Lion‘s tummy growling: The bird recommends mousse of worm and fly, the cat swarms about bird wrapped in bacon, the frog loves bug croquettes, the stork, in contrast, prefers fresh frog and chips. Lion starts to understand – to each his own. Whether this realization will help him to create a perfect dinner for Lioness?