Ugh, holidays can be really exhausting...

Oh Dear, Holidays again!

Zoran Drvenkar

Oh Dear, Holidays again!

With four-colour illustrations

Artwork by Patricia Keller

2nd ed. published 2020. 60 pages From the age of 7 years up All rights available

Oh Dear, Holidays again!

With four-colour illustrations

During summer vacation, the world is turned upside down. All the moms and dads are behaving like children – oh no! Eddie’s parents get lost while shopping, celebrate secret dress-up parties and when all the families go to the cinema together, all chaos breaks out: popcorn flies around, the dads start to fight, the moms hide... Luckily vacation time is almost over! A wonderfully illustrated hilarious tall tale.

Text and illustrations both tell the story – this makes reading lots of fun!