»Sunshine and good naps give life a few more laps.«

It's Me, Kitty. Reports from the Life of a Cat

It's Me, Kitty. Reports from the Life of a Cat

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Mirjam Pressler

It's Me, Kitty. Reports from the Life of a Cat

Artwork by Rotraut Susanne Berner

2nd ed. published 2018. 206 pages From the age of 10 years up All rights available

It's Me, Kitty. Reports from the Life of a Cat

Kitty, the red princess, is still young, yet she has experienced quite a bit already. When Emma, who is old, can no longer take care of her, she says to her, “You’ll make it, Kitty. You’re smart and strong and have a heart bigger than many humans.” And it’s true. In the courtyard of the old bakery, Kitty finds friends – Anusch, Flecki and wise Bruno, with whom she philosophizes about the good and evil in the world. Lastly the kitten finds a new home, for cats don’t like being alone.
A deeply human cat story about life, surviving and love. Told by Mirjam Pressler in a touching and wise way.
»What I like about cats? Apart from their beauty and their lithe, elegant movements, it is their independence above all. Their self-centeredness that has nothing in common with human egoism, but rather with freedom, with self-sufficiency, with a unity of body and spirit. I love cats and I am thankful to all the cats that have shared their lives with me.« Mirjam Pressler