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Biographical Theater in School

Biographical Theater in School

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Maike Plath

Biographical Theater in School

Stage-managing with adolescents: performing arts in secondary school

1st ed. published 2009. 168 pages All rights available

Biographical Theater in School

Stage-managing with adolescents: performing arts in secondary school

‱ the first practical book about biographical theater

Many schools have implemented a class on “performing art” in secondary school. This book provides a practical concept for lessons: The students don’t perform a ready-made play, but rather develop one themselves – this yields fascinating results both on stage and for personal development.

Meike Plath introduced the concept of “biographical theater” in schools with great success. In this book, she describes ways of theater work concisely and for everyday use. She presents her methodical modular system which goes from the formulation of aesthetic means to the emergence of an own theater play to the splendid opening night.

Also, the book contains valuable insider tips, among other things concerning how to deal with difficult situations in daily life in school. Furthermore, Maike Plath reveals what teachers of all subjects can learn from theater in order to teach motivationally.